When carried out for a therapeutic purpose, the massage, necessary for your treatment, can be covered by health insurance, which is not the case when it is for the purpose of relaxation and well-being.
The masseur-physiotherapist has been trained in massage and takes into account the precautions to be taken and any contraindications in order to obtain the best results without risk to your health.

Respiratory Rehabilitation
Its objective is the treatment of pathologies affecting the respiratory system. The techniques are essentially manual, but can also use equipment (ventilation devices, etc.). Education in monitoring the disease and taking treatment (aerosols, etc.) can be an important part of rehabilitation. Depending on the case, bronchial decluttering, ventilation, correction of postural disorders and improvement of mobility will be used.

Sports Physiotherapy
It includes the prevention and treatment of traumatic or non-traumatic pathologies linked to sports practice:
fractures, sprains, tendinopathies, muscle problems ...
In sports, the masseur-physiotherapist can participate in the establishment of fitness assessments for physical and sporting activities and in monitoring training and competitions.
Generally speaking, sports physiotherapy is a reeducation through movement, the restoration of the function of the various joints and muscular structures by mobilizations and exercises.

Ekman Therapy / Picking
Treatment and prevention of connective tissue (myo tendon, capsuloligament and neurological) through non-manipulative structural techniques
- Release of mechanical tensions.
-Restoration of sliding plans.
-Improved tissue perfusion.
- Optimization of the physiological laws which govern the health of the tissues of the active and sports patient
The soft hooks offered have a non-aggressive appearance (unlike hard hooks), allowing shape memory. The materials used for these hooks allow:
- better efficiency, thanks to a balance between, the rigidity necessary for mobilization and the elasticity sufficient to feel the tissue.
- a practice on all anatomical areas, thanks to a more adapted curvature.
- better grip and better grip thanks to a smaller handle made of elastomer.
Picking is therefore more pleasant for the practitioner and more comfortable for the patient.

Neuro-meningeal techniques
Restore the mobility of the peripheral nerve in relation to its muscular, ligament and bone interfaces in order to improve the conduction and axonal transport of the nerve by specific maneuvers.
Indeed, the compression or the prolonged stretching of the nerve will modify the dynamic and electro-chemical balance of this one. These alterations can explain certain aspects of peripheral neuropathies and may even be the cause.
These compressions can for example be caused by muscular hypertonia or by tensioning (significant stretching) during lesional mechanisms such as the lateral ankle sprain on the superficial fibular nerve.

Mézières method
The Mézières method is a postural rehabilitation technique aimed at relieving muscle tension and correcting deviations in the spine.
The work done on these muscle chains helps restore muscles to their natural size and elasticity.
Once relaxed, they release the tensions applied to the vertebrae, and the body straightens.
The Mézières method is also a prevention tool that allows you to become aware of your body and the organization of your movements.

K-Tape Therapy
K-taping® is a drug-free therapy that heals many diseases and relieves pain. The range of possibilities includes care, among other things: muscle contractions, joint instability, lymphatic edema, incontinence and menstrual pain.
One example among many is post operative care for breast removal.
The lymphatic application here effectively supports therapy between lymphatic drainage sessions.
Patient retains full mobility, quality of life increases.
Training remains possible despite injuries and rehabilitation phases are reduced.

Muscle strengthening
From the physiotherapy diagnosis, your therapist determines the deficient muscle groups.
It takes into account the pathological mechanisms of loss of muscle strength and the physiological bases of strengthening. Depending on the objectives and the clinical picture present (pathology, age, level of physical activity, etc.), it determines the techniques to be used and their methods: static reinforcement (without movement) or dynamic, concentric or eccentric, analytical or global technique, progression of resistance, etc.

Muscle mobilization
Great differences exist between the joints of the human body: by their size, their shape, their mobility. They can be disturbed by many problems, notably related to cartilage or capsuloligamentous elements, which can be treated by the use of mobilization techniques.
Requiring a perfect knowledge of the anatomy of each joint, they will respect the axes and physiological plans of the movements to restore their amplitudes.

Lymphatic drainage
Lymphatic drainage is a gentle massage, the aim of which is to restore faulty lymphatic circulation by bringing the lymph back up to the veins and the heart.
Lymph is a colorless liquid that circulates in lymphatic vessels due to contractions of muscles and blood vessels
Like a waste disposal system, it drains excess fluids, toxins and cellular debris. Ganglia located along the lymphatic vessels (folds of the groin, under the armpits, on each side of the neck…) make it possible to filter the lymph and to eliminate the toxins and the debris which it carries.

Dry Needling
Dry Needling is not acupuncture !
Dry Needling is a very effective form of trigger point therapy . With Dry Needling, myofascial trigger points and fascia can be treated. For this, a physiotherapist or a specially trained doctor will prick the trigger point using a sterile acupuncture needle. The pricking action reactivates the oxygen supply in the contracted muscle fiber and the fascia, decreases the inflammatory reaction, improves vascularization and thus releases tension in a lasting manner. The bite in the trigger point causes a short, localized muscle twitch in the muscular cord, felt by patients, however, as "pain that feels good" and "relaxing".

Mac Kenzie method
The MacKenzie method is an active rehabilitation method particularly recommended in mechanical back pain, whether it is low back pain, back pain, disc disease or neck pain, and can also be effective in osteoarthritis.
The postural corrections and the recommended exercises give patients the possibility of self-sustaining treatment.

Magnets are still used to treat a wide variety of health conditions, although there is little scientific evidence of their effectiveness. They are mainly used to relieve the pain associated with chronic diseases such as arthritis, diabetic neuropathy and back pain, and to promote healing, for example after surgery.
Magnets are also presented as a tool to combat stress-related symptoms, such as migraine and insomnia
In classical medicine, it is frequently used to treat fractures that are slow to heal, especially in the case of long bones such as the tibia.

Suction cup medicine
The suction cup is a very effective therapeutic tool thanks to its triple analgesic, energetic and circulatory action.
The suction caused by the suction cups causes a blood flow which releases endorphins, the neurotransmitters "painkillers" of the body. This phenomenon also allows a decongestion of the painful area where the blood had accumulated pathologically.
Finally, by boosting blood circulation at blockage points, this technique boosts the immune system as a whole
Efficiency is even more important when using so-called “wet” suction cups.

WINBACK energy is a High Frequency current oscillating between 300 KHz and 1 MHz. This non-invasive current stimulates the body's natural self-repair mechanisms by promoting cellular exchanges. Associated with the practice of the therapist, it offers spectacular results in rehabilitation thanks to a rapid rehabilitation of muscle and joint functions. It is a real physiological bio-accelerator.
Source: winback.com

Whole Body Cryotherapy
In partnership with Run Alti Cryo .
A 3 to 4 min session in a whole body cryotherapy chamber at -85 ° C. Heat shock allows the body to produce its own "anti-inflammatory", to reduce muscle and joint inflammation. The secretion of noradrenaline (well-being hormone) allows the body to relax optimally, while reducing stress and promoting restful sleep.

Foot reflexology
Foot reflexology is a parallel medicine which proposes to treat certain pathologies, or simply tensions, starting from massages of the feet. It is used more and more to relieve stress, but also tensions of the body.
A specific touch makes it possible to locate tensions and other dysfunctions of the body and to revitalize them. Update on the benefits and limits of this alternative medicine.